Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Leading gynaecologist Dr Ahmed Ismail says:

'A healthy vagina is an asymptomatic vagina, meaning that it will be odorless and the woman will not experience abnormal discharge, itching, or pain.' Here are my top tips to maintaining a clean and healthy vagina:

1. Avoid wearing synthetic underwear

Cotton underwear is always preferable as this will keep the area dry, well ventilated and less exposed to allergic reactions.

2. Washing your vagina

If you're out for long hours, make time to wash your vagina with normal water, allow time for ventilation and dry it properly during the day. There's no need to use harsh antibacterial soaps as these will change the delicate pH balance present in your vagina and could wash away important good bacteria as well as bad - this could actually make any unpleasant smells worse.

3. No tight clothing

Try to avoid wearing tight pants for long hours as they can also reduce ventilation.

4. Keep on top of personal hygiene

When using public toilets and swimming baths, jacuzzis, spas and saunas, always use your own personal towels to avoid picking up thrush or bacterial vaginosis, which can commonly be found on surfaces and transmitted.

5. Seek regular medical advice even if you are celibate

If you are celibate, you should always seek gynaecological advice to check that your vagina is healthy.

6. Seek medical advice if you are sexually active

If you are sexually active and have developed discharge as a result of a new (or old) relationship, you must seek gynaecological advice to check that you are not carrying an STD. If you are infected, it is important that both you and your partner receive treatment immediately.


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