Wednesday, July 5, 2017


Water treatment in it's three forms: solid, vapor and solid are known as Hydrotherapy. This includes over twenty methods of treatment, washing, baths, effusions and wrap. Water works in body wellness, resistance to diseases and increasing energy. Human beings are warm blooded and react very sensitive to changes in temperature. These reactions activate all the important body systems and stabilize body functions. Cold water stimulates the body and increase the use of oxygen in the cells. Warm water dilates blood vessels, improving blood circulation which improves the flow of oxygen to the brain and quicken the elimination of toxins. Hydrotherapy will not only achieve a well balanced body but also a healthy alert mind. Water has been used for healing since ancient days.

1. Water is one of the important substance on earth. Humans can go without food for 40 days or longer, but they can live only few days without water.
2. The body of an adult consists of about 60% water. Children above 5 years of age may have about 70% water and children under 5 years of age may have about 75% water. Children need to drink even more water than adults compared to their body size.
3. Elderly people tend to develop a dehydrated state very easily because most elderly people only drink water when they feel thirst.
4. The body's thirst center is not reliable enough to tell us how much we should drink for maximum health. As far as water is concerned, one should drink one third more than what his thirst centre might suggest as enough. In other words, if you feel satisfied to drink one glass of water,you should drink one third glass of water more.
5. Your kidneys filter about 1,600 litres of blood everyday (400 gallons), yet only about one & half liters of urines is voided in a day. One half of a litre (2 glassful of water) is list in the day through the breadth, and about the same amount (or much more in hot climates) is lost through invisible or visible perspiration. Through thr bowels, about one third of a litre (half a glass) is lost in the stool. So the average loss of water in a day from an adult's body is two & half litres to three litres or more (10 glasses or more) in 24 hours.
6. The body, through its chemistry produces water as an end product. Yet to keep the body's water balance where it is in health state, one should drink at least seven to eight glasses of water a day (or about one & half liters of water a day) in a hot climate.
7. Many suffer from constipation because they do not drink sufficient water to keep the stool at a soft consistently. Also, they may be constipated because of lack of fibre in the diet.
8. The best habit to get into is to drink at least a half litre (2 'Glasses) of water when one gets out of bed in the morning. The balance of the body's daily need for water should ideally be taken into the body half hour before meals, or two and half hour after meals. This practice will encourage better digestion. To drink a lot of fluids at a meal time is not good physiologically and slows down digestion.
9. A famous author pair (Anatomy and Physiology) State that water is an important constituent of every cell in the body. When the cell is even slightly dehydrated (the cell does not contain sufficient water in its composition because there is inadequate water intake), the cell loses its power to resist infection. Many people are chronically ill because of not drinking sufficient water for good cell function.
10. But even of greater importance is to remember the words of Jesus Christ who wrote through the Apostle John to "take the water of life (eternal life) freely". Rev 22:17. Then, and only then, will we have eternal life and eternal health.

Water as a Cure for Ulcer, Diabetes, Stroke and Deadly Diseases.
Take 1.5 litres of water every morning at least one hour before breakfast. If you can develop this new lifestyle, you will soon discover that your stomach ulcer is no more. Your health will greatly improve. (Extracted from Nature Magazine). Are you surprise that water in the name of drip is the first medication when your doctor is placing you in bed before further diagnosis?

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