
Tuesday, August 22, 2017


Cancer cells are produced when the body becomes more acidic. Cancer cells are anaerobic-they do not like oxygen. Infact, oxygen kills cancer cells. Alkaline water is the best naturally preventive, and curative cancer medication in the world. We also need to provide the body with the right ingredients to correct the metabolic complications that have placed a depleting run on its raw material reserves. We also need to make sure the body chemistry is directed towards a more alkaline state. Extracted from the book "your body is crying for water".

All the cells of the body lives as though they are in an ocean of salt water. Next to oxygen, water is the most essential material for the efficient working of the brain. Water is a primary nutrient for all braon functions and transmission of information. This is why the brain is 85 percent water amd is housed in a very special "water bag" that goes all the way down the spinal cord into the lower back.
  • Your PH determines your Health- All diseases thrive in an acidic and non oxygenated body environment, but cannot exist in an alkaline one. Scientists have found that healthy people have body system that are alkaline. Oxygen cannot be absorbed by our cells on a highly acidic environment.
  • Dynarpharm mineral water pot- Gives a bacteria free water which is alkaline, oxygenated, mineralized and chlorine free. Curative water has been helpful to many users suffering from degenerative diseases caused by body fluid acidity.
  • Our bodies are 70% water and blood is 90% water. Healthy blood pH is 7. 35-7. 45 crabs die when the water reaches a pH of 6; fish die at a pH of 3. The soft drinks we love to drink are at a pH of 2.5!!! Doesn't it make sense to drink alkaline water? Dr. Theodore A. Baroody, Jr.
Most sicknesses and pains which commonly occur e.g typhoid, malaria, arthritis are caused by the bacteria and acid in the water we drink daily.
ACIDIC WATER: A Death Trap: Escape for Your Dear Life
SOLUTION: Filter & Alkalize your Bore hole water (Acid Water)
  • Are you aware that acid water is a major secret killer apart from accident?
  • Are you aware that acid water means kill me small small, or kill me gradually?
  • Are you aware that the root cause of sickness is acid water or dehydration?
  • Are you aware that people don't respond to medical treatment because of body acidosis?
  • Are you aware that over 90% water in the market is acidic?
  • Are you aware that you need to consume minimum of 2-3 litres of pH 7-8 Alkaline water per day?
  • You have the responsibility to know the quality of the water you drink, buy a pH tester. Apart from water being odourless, colourless & tasteless, the pH must be minimum 7 before you call it neutral or good drinking water.
  • Alkaline water which is medicinal has to be above pH of 7. The knowledge of the pH miracle on watercure program should not be ignored if you value your health because the journey to sickness begin from the poor management of your body pH.
  • The major consideration in water quality for healthy drinking is the pH level. Alkaline water means life with good health, discovers the nature's miracle medicine (water pH level) now.
The simplicity and effectiveness of the watercure program is a miracle, the knowledge will show you how to:
  • Reduce your blood pressure naturally.
  • Lower your blood cholesterol without medication.
  • Cure virtually all body pains-heart burn, peptic ulcer, lower back pain etc.
  • Prevent and cure migraine headaches, allergies and cure asthma in a few days.
  • Prevent heart disease and stroke.
  • Increasr your mental power and alertness.
  • Loose unwanted pound of excess weight with ease.
  • Regain your youthful skin.
  • Reverse symptoms of premature aging.
  • Achieve whole body wellness.
The dynapharm alkaline mineral water pot which alkalize the water has high bio-energy and magnetic 8 steps filtration system as follows:

The ceramic filter is made from a highly compressed ceramic diatomic substance. It is highly resistant to heat as tested by professionals. The ceramic filter's diameter is 0.2 micro (diameter of bacteria is 0.5 ~ 1.0 micro).

Its function is to filter all dirt, sand particles and bacteria to ensure that your water is free from any harmful diseases such as typhoid, cholera and dysentry.

Removes Chlorine, THMS organic chemicals and unpleasant odors and color. The end result is pure, crystal mineral water.

Removes acidic components from the water and thereby brings about a pH balance.

Removes heavy metal such as lead, mercury, gold and silver. Heavy metals can accumulate in our bodies; high levels of heavy metal lead to a wide range of terminal illness.

Release minerals, adjust the pH of the water to mild alkaline which helps restore the pH balance of the body fluid.

Increases oxygen and minerals for our body needs.

This andesite contains various nourished minerals such as potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium and other micro elements which are essential for good health.

The earth's magnetic field generally promotes vitality for the human body. To exploit this essence, the outlet tap of the water system is fitted with magnets in line with the latest water technology, magnetized water has free moving hexagonal structured water molecules in harmony with body fluids. Just like mineral spring water, it promotes health and vitality and imparts many therapeutic properties.

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